Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by screenpunk

Until yesterday Screenpunk had a nice bumpy flickrstatistical curve that he studied every day intensely for getting hints on how to improve the photostream to attract more viewers and views.

Screenpunks most daring conclusion until now was twofold:
1. people like to make jokes about hamburgers and hotdogs
2. if you upload images with nice ladies on it, you attract visitors.

Screenpunk was just asessing how one can portrait sexy hot dog ladies, when yesterday the statscurve started skyrocketing, flatting out all bumps.

Whassup dog? Somebody posted a Screenpunk picture on and it got some controversy and now viewers come to Screenpunks Photostream as flies to the cake. And what is it they are looking for? Sexy Ladies? Hot Dogs?

Nope, they are looking at a ruggin' doormat !

I Dont Like Mondays

I Dont Like Mondays
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

21/07/08 08:46 In Amsterdam there is only wind and dark and rain. No sun, no bumpy tshirts, no funny streetshots, no sparkling outdoors. It is the lousiest summer since 2007 and when this continues i will start living on Flickr 24/7.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Voorbereiders voor berijders

Voorbereiders voor berijders
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

* Preparers for Vehiclarers * the slogan on the front of the roller translates masomeno.

Behind the workers you see the wheel of Jantje Groen turning in. Jantje is a modern emancipated Amsterdam selfconcious man, who just brought his children to school in his big bakfiets and is now headed to work in a semi-intellectual environment.

Jantje is not always happy and when he passes the workers he starts swearing at them because they block the road for him and his political correct vehicle. Jantje is not supposed to ride his bike there at all, but that does not inflict his moral stance.

The workers get vissible annoyed by Jantjes appearance and tell him that he should turn to Job Cohen with his complaints, the mayor of Amsterdam.

Damn what a petty i didnt take a picture of Jantje.

Monday, July 14, 2008

* She's a minor ! *

* She's a minor ! *
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

There was another girl at the scene who started protesting when she noticed me taking pictures.
"No pictures. She is a minor. She is a minor," she said in English (not Dutch).

I guess she was refering at the blond girl who was modelling and by now i am wondering what she was doing by stressing the fact there was a minor involved.

My indepth sociopsychological analysis goes here:
* she does not only not want me to refrain from taking a picture of the young model, she somehow tries to convince me its punishable forbidden not to do so
* she comes to this thought because she talked with a 'wise adult' on the photoshoot who gave her some kind of warning on the risks of public modelling in the streets of Amsterdam, for example dirty old foreign tourists who can get aroused by young girls
* out of the conversation with the wise adult, the moral inflicted girl feels uncomfortable herself for going out in public to take pictures of her minor friend
* the first occassion she gets she tries to transfer her guilty feeling

Well its a good thing we have a city where we can freely observate, interpretate and take pictures without being depended of the judgements of smarty schoolgirls.

Screenpunks not interested in shooting minors, but in shooting funny streetscenery and smartsy commenting on it.