Originally uploaded by screenpunk
Until yesterday Screenpunk had a nice bumpy flickrstatistical curve that he studied every day intensely for getting hints on how to improve the photostream to attract more viewers and views.
Screenpunks most daring conclusion until now was twofold:
1. people like to make jokes about hamburgers and hotdogs
2. if you upload images with nice ladies on it, you attract visitors.
Screenpunk was just asessing how one can portrait sexy hot dog ladies, when yesterday the statscurve started skyrocketing, flatting out all bumps.
Whassup dog? Somebody posted a Screenpunk picture on reddit.com and it got some controversy and now viewers come to Screenpunks Photostream as flies to the cake. And what is it they are looking for? Sexy Ladies? Hot Dogs?
Nope, they are looking at a ruggin' doormat !