Thursday, May 15, 2008

Queen Juliana & Uncle Herbert

Queen Juliana & Uncle Herbert
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

When Janfromseattle showed me the way to the joys and festivities of Uncle Herbert Day i immediately realised i had seen that face before.

After backtraking Herb a few hours i found this picture and i knew this was it.

Its Uncle Herbert together with the former Dutch Queen Juliana. I guess Juliana needed Uncle Herbert to accompany her visiting doll hospitals, when her husband Bernhard was out chasing lions in Africa or mistresses in France.

In Holland we celebrate Queensday every year on april 30th. I'm gonne write the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst and suggest some extension of the meaning of that day now, for Uncle Herbert was at the side of our late queen in difficult times.

Herbert, thank you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kites #01

Kites #01
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

This is my favorite.