Twitter is getting me serious, last night i think i even dream about it. The twitty wooters that i hear start finally twotting me. Tantieris, Netlash, Appelogen, Funkybrownchick give me a dreamstart, but what woe does flood my titterbox instead?
Gremmators with ints for their extension seem to be interested in Screenpunk: RonPaul33, MittRomney45, ChrisDodd53, MikeGravel3, RudyGiuliani32, DennisKucinich4, SamBrownback4, JimGilmore89, MikeHuckabee47 and TrickyDicky number 9.
What is thit shit? Yope want me to follow, and tweeta? Or is you hawvin ways for deliver twutter spam?
I did not wanne do it, but for that, i start weeing @snoopdogg. Snoop maybe the only hooty witter that does not follow, but ... ís followed.
Main reciprocity, Dogg doesn't tweet much. He aint a bird.