Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by screenpunk

Until yesterday Screenpunk had a nice bumpy flickrstatistical curve that he studied every day intensely for getting hints on how to improve the photostream to attract more viewers and views.

Screenpunks most daring conclusion until now was twofold:
1. people like to make jokes about hamburgers and hotdogs
2. if you upload images with nice ladies on it, you attract visitors.

Screenpunk was just asessing how one can portrait sexy hot dog ladies, when yesterday the statscurve started skyrocketing, flatting out all bumps.

Whassup dog? Somebody posted a Screenpunk picture on and it got some controversy and now viewers come to Screenpunks Photostream as flies to the cake. And what is it they are looking for? Sexy Ladies? Hot Dogs?

Nope, they are looking at a ruggin' doormat !

I Dont Like Mondays

I Dont Like Mondays
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

21/07/08 08:46 In Amsterdam there is only wind and dark and rain. No sun, no bumpy tshirts, no funny streetshots, no sparkling outdoors. It is the lousiest summer since 2007 and when this continues i will start living on Flickr 24/7.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Voorbereiders voor berijders

Voorbereiders voor berijders
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

* Preparers for Vehiclarers * the slogan on the front of the roller translates masomeno.

Behind the workers you see the wheel of Jantje Groen turning in. Jantje is a modern emancipated Amsterdam selfconcious man, who just brought his children to school in his big bakfiets and is now headed to work in a semi-intellectual environment.

Jantje is not always happy and when he passes the workers he starts swearing at them because they block the road for him and his political correct vehicle. Jantje is not supposed to ride his bike there at all, but that does not inflict his moral stance.

The workers get vissible annoyed by Jantjes appearance and tell him that he should turn to Job Cohen with his complaints, the mayor of Amsterdam.

Damn what a petty i didnt take a picture of Jantje.

Monday, July 14, 2008

* She's a minor ! *

* She's a minor ! *
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

There was another girl at the scene who started protesting when she noticed me taking pictures.
"No pictures. She is a minor. She is a minor," she said in English (not Dutch).

I guess she was refering at the blond girl who was modelling and by now i am wondering what she was doing by stressing the fact there was a minor involved.

My indepth sociopsychological analysis goes here:
* she does not only not want me to refrain from taking a picture of the young model, she somehow tries to convince me its punishable forbidden not to do so
* she comes to this thought because she talked with a 'wise adult' on the photoshoot who gave her some kind of warning on the risks of public modelling in the streets of Amsterdam, for example dirty old foreign tourists who can get aroused by young girls
* out of the conversation with the wise adult, the moral inflicted girl feels uncomfortable herself for going out in public to take pictures of her minor friend
* the first occassion she gets she tries to transfer her guilty feeling

Well its a good thing we have a city where we can freely observate, interpretate and take pictures without being depended of the judgements of smarty schoolgirls.

Screenpunks not interested in shooting minors, but in shooting funny streetscenery and smartsy commenting on it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Frontal Nudity

Frontal Nudity
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

Friday 13th, a few hours before the EK match Holland - France, miss Screenpunk and me were waiting at one of the four elevator doors in our appartment block to get to the Albert Hein supermarket to do some football shoppings. We were discussing if we wanted to eat chicken wings during the match, meatballs, or maybe both.

Then the elevator door opened and out of the blue we were confronted with this couple standing in the elevator completely naked !

"O, wrong floor," the naked guy said pretty cool when he saw our perplexed faces. Then he pushed a button on the control panel. The naked girl behind him started laughing very loud. When the doors closed i saw she wore black stockings with flowers on it.
"Dit is heel apart," said miss Screenpunk, this is very unusual.

Up to the Albert Hein and back miss Screenpunk and me discussed what we had seen and how this nude couple could end up in the elevator. We have few possibilities:
- she is a escortgirl that was forced into certain sexacts. She tried to escape, but he followed her and got up with her in the elevator. But we dont think this plausibel because her laughing so loud when she saw us;
- they are two singles who have each a seperate appartment in our block. They were having sex in one appartment and decided during their acts to move to another appartment;
- they are just a crazy couple who thought the elevator - with its mirror, red carpet and moody spotlights - is some kind of bordello where they wanted to have sex

Miss Screenpunk is persuading me since Friday also to go naked in the elevator and see what happens. I dont like that idea, but every few hours i take my camera to the elevator, call the elevator up and push the camerabutton when the doors open. Who knows what will show, hahaha.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Queen Juliana & Uncle Herbert

Queen Juliana & Uncle Herbert
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

When Janfromseattle showed me the way to the joys and festivities of Uncle Herbert Day i immediately realised i had seen that face before.

After backtraking Herb a few hours i found this picture and i knew this was it.

Its Uncle Herbert together with the former Dutch Queen Juliana. I guess Juliana needed Uncle Herbert to accompany her visiting doll hospitals, when her husband Bernhard was out chasing lions in Africa or mistresses in France.

In Holland we celebrate Queensday every year on april 30th. I'm gonne write the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst and suggest some extension of the meaning of that day now, for Uncle Herbert was at the side of our late queen in difficult times.

Herbert, thank you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kites #01

Kites #01
Originally uploaded by screenpunk

This is my favorite.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Burger King: Have it your Way

"An ordinary day at VEG CITY Airport: a well-trained team of pickles make sure that only the freshbest vegetables enter the city..."

After I ate my favorite lunch of cheeseburgers I put the placemat in my pocket without really looking at it. At home i took it out and gave it a better look ...

... and I'm really glad i'm not an onion at Burger King

Click picture to see full story.


Boy, people put up all kind of lines, shapes and colors in public space. Once you get an eye for it, you'll keep peeping the walls, fences, rainpipes and networkboxes for more streetart.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Language skills

Does technology empowering or damaging our language skills? (question by Litoz)

My grandmother used to manually grind coffee with a mechanical coffee grinder. My mother plugged in an electronic device to crush her beans. And i buy vacuum wrapped grinds in the supermarket.

Main point: the ways of preparing have changed over the generations, but i still drink coffee and got a hang for it. I guess the same applies to computer mediated language skills. You adapt skills and preferences to the changing techniques that makes things possible. When you live around computers, you use computers to communicate. When you live in the mud, you write with sticks in clay.

In all ways you communicate to your needs and facilities. There's no good or bad here. But some old timers who cannot reach beyond their time frame may sure think that not to be able to write in the mud is a hindering disability.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

European slave trade

Screenpunk's found a new way for typing English hubba. Try to answer questions on Yahoo! Answers.

What do you think might have happened on the African continent if the European slave trade had not taken place?
(question by Danaii)

Interesting question, but not much i guess. Liberia wouldn't exist, being founded as a freed slave state.

The major historical problem for Africa is European countries colonizing it and splitting up tribal territories in artificial nation states. So forcing all kind of tribes to live in new political unities not by their own choice. Hence the bloodshed in Rwanda, or more recent in Nigeria.

The necessity of de-tribalization is one of the main underlying issues in contemporary African politics.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


George Clinton (Parliament-Funkadelic) Exclusive!

[via FoxyTunes / Funkadelic]

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Public Bar

Public Bar
Our public bar is presently not open because it is closed.

Who disagrees with logic?

The manager.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


What do you do with a desktop, when what you need is a webtop?
Webtop #10

Webtop #8

Webtop #4

Webtop #5

Click a pick to enter a world of smurz.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Aviary is wicked.


Aviary is a set of very hard to believe online imaging tools.
I made this star in an eyelash.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Twitter Twatter Spams

Twitter is getting me serious, last night i think i even dream about it. The twitty wooters that i hear start finally twotting me. Tantieris, Netlash, Appelogen, Funkybrownchick give me a dreamstart, but what woe does flood my titterbox instead?

Gremmators with ints for their extension seem to be interested in Screenpunk: RonPaul33, MittRomney45, ChrisDodd53, MikeGravel3, RudyGiuliani32, DennisKucinich4, SamBrownback4, JimGilmore89, MikeHuckabee47 and TrickyDicky number 9.

What is thit shit? Yope want me to follow, and tweeta? Or is you hawvin ways for deliver twutter spam?

I did not wanne do it, but for that, i start weeing @snoopdogg. Snoop maybe the only hooty witter that does not follow, but ... ís followed.

Main reciprocity, Dogg doesn't tweet much. He aint a bird.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Putting a Box in the Cat's Ass

Putting a box

This is a reconstruction! Kadosmurf tries to put a box in Azraels ass. This the kind of shit the guys at the office like to laugh about. They rape Azrael. They hang the Easter bunny. They perfom a lobotomy on Big Wuppie. They behead Santa Claus with the office siccors.

The Dutch parliament is discussing the possibility of enacting a law that forbidds sex with animals. I think this is a start. The time has come to find rules for cruelty against dolls. Cause scenes like this ruin innocence ;)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This is not English

I am Dutch and i cant help it. My bike is Dutch, my dog is Dutch and my wife is Dutch. There's nothing wicked, except that the world is not Dutch. The world is wicked, big, beautiful and wealthy, but it aint no Dutch - behold this little splinter.

As one roustabout poet that hopes for major benefits by contributing mildly, suppose i should blend my aspiration with the web's lingua franca. Wii should exercise the grammar of the heartfelt, practice the power of the rich and doublespeak the words of addicts and fools.

To be on the safe side I claim that this is an experiment. This is not English. This is a blog from the bog.

Dutch bogus at